Where Does the ACN Compensation Plan Fall Short?

So is ACN a solid company and can their compensation plan hold up against some of the other network marketing companies out there?

We’ll get to that but first lets go over some of the details.

ACN’s business model is based off providing services rather than the typical products that most network marketing companies offer. These services include literally any telecommunications product/service you can think of, from almost all major service providers you can think of. All the big names in this industry have partnered with ACN which is pretty incredible.

ACN’s compensation plan is slightly more complicated than the average MLM company, but nonetheless it is effective and powerful. Its made up of a balanced combination of team bonuses and residual.

The team customer acquisition bonuses (tcabs) are in place to compensate reps for building their teams while they are building that coveted residual income. There are 5 different promotion levels with increasing bonuses as each level is attained. Reps earn bonuses monthly UP TO $3,000(ETT)/$7,000(ETL)/$25,000(TC) /$44,000(RVP)/$44,000+(SVP). Keep in mind that to max those bonuses out your team needs to be growing at a phenomenal rate. Nonetheless you can make a ton of extra money from steady team growth.

How the bonuses work…

As your team grows you get a portion of the allocated bonus based on the number of new reps who sign up AND get qualified within 30 days. Being qualified simply means getting the minimum number of customers (3 services accomplishes this).

One downside to the bonuses…

You can only earn bonuses down to the next person in your organization that is at your promotion level. For example, if you are a TC, you earn bonuses based on the new reps added to your organization down to the next TC. So if you are a TC and you have one TC in your organization, you are cut off from earning bonuses from their organization UNTIL you reach RVP, then the bonuses turn back on. Once they reach RVP you’re cut off again until you reach SVP.

You may look at that and think “well that sucks” and it kind of does, but its really designed like that to promote growth. You want more bonuses? Outperform everyone in your organization.

As for the residual portion of ACN’s compensation plan, the structure is well designed. Each rep gets paid with a percentage of each of their customers’ bills, and that percentage is largest where your team is the largest.

So, for ETT/ETL/TC you get paid through your 7th level. Percentages at each level are as follows…1/4, 1/4, 1/4, 1/2, 3, 5, 8. So you can see they pay you the most where your organization will be largest. As an RVP or SVP you get the same pay structure, but you also get an additional 1-2% on every level below your 7th level. That’s when those numbers on the menu of your favorite restaurant magically disappear.

The only part I don’t like about this is that when you are an RVP/SVP and you have another RVP/SVP under you, that extra 1-2% on levels 8-infinity is limited to the 7th level of the next RVP/SVP below you. For example, you are an RVP and you pop another RVP in your organization, you will earn residual down to the 7th level of that RVP and nothing below. Anywhere else in your organization outside of that RVP, you still earn the extra 1-2% on levels 8-infinity.

Overall I think ACN’s compensation plan is really powerful and has the potential to generate a lot of residual income IF you apply yourself and work the business. I hope this ACN review was beneficial and informative, and it helps you make an informed decision if you are thinking of becoming a rep.

Source by Adam Viccaro

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