What is a Blook?

Up until now you probably have not heard of a Blook, but it is a Blog -Book. The concept is simple, it utilizes a blog like format, and chapters are posted. Others come along and make comments that are relevant to help keep it updated, a perpetual inter-active book in an online digital format; it’s alive and it keeps growing with human information.

Isn’t that where the future e-Books are eventually going anyway – Think Web 3.0! Recently, I had the opportunity to view the first Blook and found it to be quite interesting, sure it is just in the beginning stages and is awaiting input and further evolution, but boy does it have potential. In fact, I have a few comments on this project myself and realize I am a retired Franchisor, so this is the way I have been conditioned to think.

There should be 10s of thousands of “Blooks” and each should be part of a giant Social Network system. And each component, chapter, post, or whatever you decide to call it, should be inter-linked via a built in search engine.

Why? Simple, Blooks will be “Multimedia” with video, interactive virtual reality, audio, pictures, etc. and with the new Internet 2.0 and 3.0 folks can be reading a Blook about Space Station Designs and read something about some type of material being used. That can take them to the raw material and country where it is being produced, which would be part of another Blook on a country and its industrial economic capacity and international trade.

Then once there you can move from there to other industries that use this raw material or what other mineral exports that nation has or similar nations with similar economic output. Because this is how the mind works, how people would use the future Internet and how the “Flow of Information” works.

So, how would you go about this? Well, I was thinking on this. you see, you could sign up all the folks who want to write a book, but are cut off from the publishing sector and do not have all the tools needed in their personal tool kit.

The Blook provides the platform for a “Living Book” one that grows and becomes more accurate and more up-to-date every day, rather than old and obsolete all the time. Thus, the original author or editor can start it and it grows from there, even re-assign a new editor or next author; saving the old archived chapters and ever increasing new ones, new information.

Right now as it stands, Blogs are a horrible format for folks with tons of information, well people like me for instance, because stuff gets buried too easy, they are not that searchable and folks click in and click out. Most blogs do not can contain much “information” more about rants and raves, commoting about this, that or the other thing.

Most eBooks are flat, 2D, and they start becoming obsolete in .pdf from the day you write them, I know this because I have created 10 so far. Forums and BBS type systems look organized but become scattered and riddled with “comment nonsense” if you will. Some BBS or bulletin boards are eventually turned off and disallow comments because participants ruin things unless it is constantly monitored. There is something about anonymity and the Internet that allows folks to act childish and attacking without allowing anyone to get at truth, or close to it. That is a shame; it’s abusive and completely irresponsible.

A “social network library” of Blooks is the modern day equivalent of what Andrew Carnegie created in his day, it’s a great gift to the world; interactive, multimedia, virtual reality books. That is really the future of literature anyway right. Who can deny that? Think about it for a second, have you participated in a Blook lately?

Source by Lance Winslow

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