To make sure your website is a success you need to understand backward links and the link popularity process.
What is a backward link?
A backward link is a link from another website that links to your website.
One of the most important aspects to SEO optimization is getting good quality, relevant backward links. In fact, Google values the worth of a web page by the number of links coming into it – (inbound links). This is perhaps a little simplistic as Google also looks at a number of other factors including:
* the worth of the page that has your link on it – if that page has a high pagerank then the link is worth more
* the content of the page linking to you – is this information relevant to your website
* the content of your web page
In other words, if your site is about cell phones and you have a link coming into it from a site on cell phone accessories with a high pagerank then that is a boost in value for your site. On the other hand, if you have a link coming in from a website about dog training then the relevancy of the content is not there and Google will most likely not value this link as highly as it would the first link.
What type of backward links should you get?
It is important that when working on your backward link strategy that you consider the type of backward links you will require for site. If your site is about cell phones then the links you want coming into your site should in some way include the keyword “cell phones”. There is no point getting a link into your site from other websites that have the words ‘click here’ or ‘shop now’.
So if your site is about dog training for instance and you are approaching a website for a backward link, be sure to let them know that you want them to link back to you using the keywords ‘dog training’ or similar in the link.
Top Ways to Get Backward Links
- Submit to Social Networking Sites
- Submit to Social Bookmarking Sites
- Answer questions at Yahoo Answers and add your url
- Post a classified ad at sites like and
- Create a Squidoo page
- Create a Hubpage
- Post in forums
- Leave blog comments on do follow blogs
- Submit to directories
- Write articles and post to article directories
- Write good quality content and other websites will naturally link to you