Sea Life Your Betta Fish Can Live With

This post will discuss some types of sea life that may co-habitate with a Betta. Irrespective of the fact that the sea life mentioned in this entry can manage living with a betta does not always mean they always will be happy together. There are a number of other factors, as mentioned below, so you’ll need to carefully monitor both your betta fish and the sea life you introduced to see if they have any bite marks on them!

A familiar concern a lot of new betta pet owners have is that they will be lonesome. Bettas are very territorial and most of the time want to by themselves. If your fish tank is less than 5 gallons, it is probably best to leave your betta fish by himself. They’ll feel like any other fish is encroaching on their space if the tank is too small.

There are many elements that go into figuring out different fish that may swim with a betta. The kind of betta, temperamant, the size of the tank, and whether it is male or female all are major items to consider. Because betta fish are very territorial, one of the most vital factors is how big the tank is. Females are almost always less aggressive than male bettas, and Crowntail Bettas are normally more belligerent than the other species of betta fish. Betta fish will be antagonistic with all other fish that have large fins or bright colors, so don’t place them near your betta fish.

The following aquatic life are the most superior match for your betta fish:

  • Cherry Shrimp and/or Ghost Shrimp – These scavenger bottom-feeders make great tank friends for bettas, because they leave a tiny quantity of waste matter, they can live in stagnant water, warm water. Unfortunately, some bettas may prefer to eat shrimp as opposed to sharing a fish tank with them, so be watchful for nibble marks on your shrimp!
  • Apple Snails – Apple snails are a good species that are most comfortable in the same water requirements as a betta. Unfortunately, they do create a lot of waste so need more constant water cleansings and a more sizeable tank. They are pretty big and sturdy as compared to a betta fish, so your betta’s offensives generally will not injure or kill an Apple snail.
  • African Dwarf Frogs – These small frogs are definitely one of the best matches for your betta fish. Make sure you do not mix up this with the African Clawed Frogs, which may kill your betta! If the front feet are webbed, you’ll be OK – if the webbing isn’t there, you’ve adopted a Clawed Frog. African Dwarf Frogs love warm, soft water similar to betta fish, and generally your betta won’t be combatitive to them. These frogs do not produce a large amount of waste product, but are extremely liable to bacterial illnesses so it’s important to keep your tank clean and the water condition high.
  • Corydoras Catfish and Otoclinus Catfish – Both of these types of catfish are excellent fish that can cohabitate with a betta fish. Oto’s are a little more minute, but they’re both tiny fish that do not create a lot of waste. They are pretty quick and do not have flashy scales, so will be free from danger from any betta offensive. These catfish tend to love to be in groups of at least 4-6, so you’ll need a larger tank to put them in and make them healthy (and the water clean). They also love a tank with many plants. Catfish are extraordinarily easily harmed by bad water conditions, so make sure to keep the temperature in your tank fixed if catfish are there.
  • White Cloud Mountain Minnows – The White Cloud Mountain Minnow is a terrific, stable fish that generally gets along famously with your betta. These fish tend to be extremely relaxed – the peaceful Monk of fish:) and will not hurt fins or bother your betta fish. They are also fairly speedy and can easily swim away from a betta fish’s aggression. They are not expensive and fairly strong fish, but they do like cooler water so keep the tank’s temperature on the cooler side of your betta’s normal range. It is healthier to utilize a bigger tank (approximately 10+ gallons) because this species are extraordinarily active and may cause the betta to feel protective of his territory if the tank is not large enough.
  • Bristlenose Plecosomus – Pleco’s are a terrific fish to be in a tank with a betta, but be certain to just purchase a Bristlenose Pecosomus of around a similar size as your betta fish. Similar looking Plecos will grow to be too big – the Bristlenose stays small and is a good match.

Source by Jason M. Andrews

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