Everyone knows the tried and true traditional ways of marketing your home based business online so I thought I would make a list of a few non-traditional ways that I have found that help you market your opportunity online. Not all of these are huge but they’ll give you a little something extra to do when you feel like you’ve done everything else.
1. Yahoo Answers
Search Yahoo Answers for people who are asking about working from home (there are a lot of these every day) and answer them back with a link to your website or more information about your business. Just don’t make the message seem too spammy or it will get taken down.
2. Social Bookmarking
Bookmark all of your videos, articles, websites and blogs on popular social bookmarking sites like Digg. This will help your stuff get more views and it will also help with backlinks!
3. Make A Silly Video
Trying making a silly short video to post on YouTube. Make sure it doesn’t relate to business or MLM at all just something funny that people will pass on. At the end of your video put your website. You can also put your website in the sidebar or the description. Sometimes these videos will get way more views than one that is all about working from home.
4. Write A Non-Business Article
Just because you want to link to your business website doesn’t mean you have to write articles about business. Try writing a couple of articles about anything that you’re interested in and getting them published. In the resource box put a little bit about yourself and include your website.
5. Blog Comments
You don’t have to write a blog to get a lot out of blog marketing. Find a ton of popular home based business blogs and leave a comment on the most recent blog post with a link back to your website. Just make sure that it’s a real comment about the post and not just spam. Some blogs, especially really popular ones monitor this heavily. If it looks like spam it’s not gonna get approved so do what you can with what you have to work with.