How to Write and Say a 30-60 Second Introduction

Have you attended a meeting or have been at a social gathering and someone asks: “What do you do?” One of the best ways to introduce yourself and let people get to know you, and your business is by having a unique message or self-introduction that is short and memorable.

Your self-introduction is sometimes called an “elevator speech- – a 30-60-second introduction of you. The reason is it called “an elevator speech” is that is the approximate time you have riding between floors on an elevator to talk with someone. It you met someone on an elevator who wanted to know who you are, and what you do, you only have about 30- 60 seconds until the elevator stops at the next floor to introduce yourself and let them know who you work with, or what you do, and the services/product you offer.

Your self-introduction needs to be stated in your words, that you feel comfortable telling someone who you are, whether you’re on the elevator, attending a social gathering, or attending a meeting. Your introduction lets people learn who you are and decide if they have something in common with you, as well as if they might need or know someone who needs the service/product you offer.

Your introduction should be tailored to the specific people you are meeting.

Your self-introduction is usually a couple sentences that describe a concise summary of:

1 Who you are, and what you do – -and perhaps the service or product you offer

2 why that person may need what you offer, and

3 what distinguishes you and your service or product over others that provides the same service/product.

How To Develop a Self Introduction

Keep your introduction brief. It’s an opener, not a complete description of everything you do.

Your 30-60 Second Introduction should be:

1 short

2 concise

3 relevant

4 attention grabbing

5 persuasive

6 a call to action

Your introduction may not appeal to everyone – but that’s the point. It’s a narrowly targeted message. It’s a way of “lasering” who you are and not trying to appeal to everyone you meet. This introduction when stated at networking or business meetings and social events, lets others know who you are, what you do, and decide if they want to learn more about you, and or do business with you.

Five- Step Formula for a Writing Your 30-60-Second Introduction for Business or Networking Meetings

Here is a process to develop your self introduction when attending business or networking meetings. It describes who you serve and what you help them do:

(See the example of what to say typed in blue font below each step.)

1) Name your target market. Start by stating specifically who you work with – who you serve, or what you do.

“I work with empty nesters and baby boomers and professional

2) Describe the main problem, challenge, frustration or need that they have. Describe emotions that your client experiences, by tapping into a deeper need or issue that is of real concern for them.

…who are exhausted and overwhelmed with daily routines, who are in a toxic relationship with a spouse, family, co-worker, and are feeling stressed out with their….

3) Describe your solution that will reduce or solve that problem in terms that person can understand. Describe the result s/he can expect to get from working with you. Clearly define how your service or product leads to a long-lasting result or ‘bottom line’ dollar impact for your client. Use words that will be meaningful to them. State something that will help the person save time, money or solve a particular problem.

I help clients identify what personal or professional goals they want to achieve that will eliminate a problem they have.

4) Add something that is unique about your services or products – something that would differentiate your and make you stand out from your competitors. This is where you help them understand why they would choose you over others who provide a similar service. It might be a method, process, assessment or model you have developed, or specific results you have helped clients achieve.

We work together to get through this as a team and solve these problems.

5) State a call to action – Say a short sentence that requests the listener to

take action now.

Source by Lynne Rosiak

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