Loan officers are getting new loans on social media like never before. It may be that one of their friends needs a mortgage loan and may not have thought about contacting you even though they kind of remember that you are in the mortgage business. But seeing your mortgage post is just the reminder they needed to reach out to you for their next mortgage.
Recall more than anything that you want to get your name out there with Facebook users who don’t really know you and you also want to advertise yourselves with greater frequency with your current and new Facebook friends.
We are really talking about Facebook here more than anything but no one says that you won’t be able to get some new loans by promoting yourself on Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat and LinkedIn. You don’t need to go crazy and start using Social Media sites that you don’t ordinarily use. Just do a bit more than what you are doing today at the Social Media sites you are using.
Promote yourself and your company but be sure to meet the licensing disclosure requirements and to avoid advertising interest rates, monthly payments, and other loan attributes that might trigger additional disclosures, the rules of which you might not be readily familiar with.
On Facebook for example, make sure you add your licensing information into your Profile. Be sure you list your individual nationwide mortgage licensing system identification number know as your NMLS ID #. Also, list your company name, the business address and the company’s NMLS ID#. Your state may also require you list the name of your state’s licensing that your company operates under.
Include some pictures in your Facebook posts to make them more interesting and eye catching to your friends. You may also want to set up a Facebook business page for yourself and consider advertising yourself on Facebook. Before you do so, check with your company’ Compliance Department to see what rules they have about advertising on Social Media.
Get out there and promote yourself at these sites. You will be surprised at how the new leads will start to come in with a bit more promotion as these sites.
After you get your profile up, your required licensing disclosures, then it might be time to start buying some ads on Facebook to promote your services. There’s a lot of good info on how to do this – just Google the question “how to advertise on Facebook” and read up the tips on advertising from within the Facebook help pages.