My family and I decided to go to Seattle, WA in August of 2005 for a business trip and to visit my wife's parents. We arrived around 11:00 PM and the shuttle bus from the car rental company finally picked us up at 11:30 PM. By the time, we arrived at the rental car company, there were only 2 vehicles left at 12:00 AM. So we waited for another 30 minutes.
We were tired and I tried my best to smile at 12:00 AM in the morning. After waiting in line for a long time, the lady who worked there finally told us "Sir, we ran out of car, but since you have been very kind, polite and patience with us, you can choose either to drive a 15 passengers van Or a sport convertible car with no extra charge "I laughed and said" Of course, I want to the sport convertible car, we do not need 15 passengers van since there are only 4 of us. " The mechanic even escorted us to the car, to make sure we were OK and showed us how the car worked. We finally went into our hotel room around 1:00 AM.
Sometimes, things in our life get out of hand, I could have screamed and yelled at the people who worked for the rental car company because they did not have enough cars that night, but I remember what my mentor Bob Burg said to me, "Be Polite, be patient, and be persistent," because it will pay off.
The reward of being polite, patient and persistent is our internal joy and happiness. We will accomplish so many things in our life when we are polite to other people, patient, and persistent. So remember to be polite, patient, and persistent to other people. Do not forget to smile.
On the way home from Seattle, WA to Los Angeles, CA, when the airplane touched down on the runway, the pilot spotted another airplane on the runway coming toward us, so he pulled the airplane up again off the ground, flew over the other Airplane, and the pilot told us on the radio "Ladies and Gentlemen, as you noticed, that we did not land, we had to pull up because there was another airplane coming toward us."
The newly wed couple who was going to Cancun, Mexico and sitting behind me tapped me on the shoulder and asked me "What happened and what does it mean?" I told them "It means that you two are going to have a great honeymoon time in Cancun and have a happy marriage, since our airplane did not crash into the other airplane." A little girl who was sitting next to me with her mother shouted "We are going to Disneyland!" And we laughed.
The pilots made another attempt to land the airplane once again and finally we landed safely on the ground. It was a quite experience; In fact, CNN aired the story the following week about the incident.
It made me wonder, why some airplanes made it, and some did not make it. Also it made me wonder why some of us are still alive today and some of us did not survive yesterday.
I promised to myself as I walked out of the airplane to never again to take the gift of life for granted. My wife, 4 year old daughter and I could have died and perished right there on the LAX runway if the pilots did not respond fast enough to pull the airplane up.
Have you ever wondered why you are still here today? Why are you still here while other people die yesterday? Think about it for a moment. We only have one life, one chance to make a difference, what are we going to do with our life?
You and I have one chance to live, to make a difference, and I believe with all my heart that you created with a special purpose and there is a greatness in you that is waiting to be discovered! No body in this world had the right to tell you that you are no body, because you and I were created in God's own image!
If you ever wake up in the morning and find yourself feeling hopeless, remember that today is your day! Yes, today is your day that the Lord has made and you will rejoice and be glad in it! So stand up my brother and sister, smile, and breathe the fresh air.
You are special, you are somebody, you are unique and you have a special purpose in your life! Never ever take the gift of life for granted, especially when you are still healthy, many people are in the hospital today with tubes and life supporting machines hooked into their body. While you are still standing strong and healthy, go out there and make a positive difference out there in your family, family life, in your community and in other people's life.
Live with your life with dream, goals and purpose, so you no longer have the time to feel pity for yourself, so you can live your life without fear, so you can live your life to the fullest, knowing that the Lord your God created With a special purpose for God is the dream giver who provides us with the gift of life!
Before the day we breathe our last breath and die! All of us, you and I will have to finish the mission and purpose that God has anointed in our life!
Each one of us is gifted with special skills, talents and abilities, so use thoe gifts, talents and skills to complete your purpose in this life, so one day you can say "I do not fear my death for I have bought the good Fight and I finished it well "
In Psalm 23: 4 King David said "Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me."
We will fear no evil because the Lord your God is with you always! If you feel down, depressed and discouraged, I encouraged you right now to stand up while you read this article and pray this prayer over and over again "I am somebody, I am special, I am created by God for His great purpose, I Will no fear no evil, challenges and trials in life, for I can do all things through God who created and gives me strength, courage and wisdom to live my life today! "
I love each one of you very much and I believe that things with change for the better, all the tears will be wiped away with God will replace it with joy! I believe with all my heart that you are special and no one has the right to tell you that you are no body, because you are created by God with special gifts, talents, and skills to do His will in your life today and He has Planted greatness within you. So stand up my brothers and sisters, this is your day, this is your day to make a difference, you will fight the challenges of life, for the battle belong to the Lord, this is your day that the Lord your God has made for You, rejoice, shout for joy and praise Him! "May the Lord richly bless you!