You might be curious about the 100K Group Mastermind. What is that about? It’s about fitness marketing strategies, and we’ve just taught 34 fitness professionals how to build their very own $100,000 a year informational product. It was energizing, it was a blast, it was amazing!
What does that mean? In the next 12 months, those 34 fitness professionals have learned fitness marketing strategies that are going to make $100,000 a year EACH — and MORE versus last year — helping how many thousands of others with their own information product.
Let me show you some examples, here. There’s Jannine Murray, who’s tops as a personal trainer in Victoria, British Columbia, and she’s going to have an information product coming out that’s going to tell women how to have the perfect “backside”…
Because I’m helping Jeannine, she’s making better “backside,” and that can only lead to world peace, right?
No, really!
I gave a killer presentation on how to write killer sales copy.
Now I’m sharing my kick-butt fitness marketing strategies on how to do a genius promo on Thanksgiving (or any holiday)
So without any further delay, here it is:
Here is a holiday season promotion that will lend itself to any time of year, not just the holidays. What does that mean? That is, after clients go through this promotion, they’ll want to attend your training sessions and regular boot camp sessions and pay your monthly rate!
What do I mean by that?
The Monday after Thanksgiving is when people want to start to shed those extra pounds they’re beginning to put on after extra holiday “stuffing,” if you know what I mean.
But there’s more than that!
Just after Thanksgiving is Christmas, and then New Year’s! That means people are beginning to see some serious weight gain, and they want to get rid of it.
What does that mean for you? Here’s where your fitness marketing strategies can really kick in. Here’s the promotion:
“Burn Those Holiday Pounds!” is a campaign that can begin right after Thanksgiving and go through until after the New Year starts. That covers all of those nasty “overeating” days, and people begin to be on track right after New Year’s. The program is 36 days long, and the charge should be about $149.
But there’s more to it than that…
Because you’re going into a new year, “making resolutions” is going to be a big thing, so toward the end of those 36 days, people should begin to write down the resolutions, or you can just talk with them about what they want to accomplish. Ask them what they’re going to do about goals they want to accomplish for fitness.
But here’s the thing: it doesn’t really matter what they say because… they can just join your boot camp or training program! That’s key to any fitness marketing strategy: you show them what they need and then fulfill it.
If you don’t know how to get them excited about it, just say something like this:
“I’ve got a program coming up here that can help you succeed with those resolutions. It’s pretty much like what you’ve been doing for the past few weeks, but it’s going to go for the entire year. For that entire year, you can look great and be in the best shape of your life. It’ll cost you just X dollars a month, for X weekly training sessions, but every week, every month for the next year. Are you interested? If so, come and talk to me after today’s training.”
What does that mean for you in terms of what you can make?
If you get 20 people to join your 36-day program for $149…
You’ll make $2980 right away.
If of those 20 people half of them stay with you for your extended program…
And you charge those 10 people $199 a month…
They’ll give you almost $2000 (actually, $1990) a month.
That’s with 20 people! But remember, this is your business. You can bring in as many clients as you can handle. So sit down, and set a goal for the number of clients you want to bring in — and then go out and do it!
How should you advertise your venture?
There are two great ways you can get the word out for this. They are:
1. Talk to people at malls during this holiday interim, because they’ll be absolutely jam-packed with people getting shopping done.
2. Start posting ads to Craigslist this week, and keep going through the end of the week next week.
Use a sales script similar to what Steve told you in some of his previous posts, and you should see clients simply start to “roll” in (no pun intended).
Here’s to your success!