There was once a great man (let’s call him Sam), who loved his family dearly. He worked hard to provide for them but he realised that no matter how hard he worked, he would not be able to give them everything they wanted and needed if something didn’t change. One day he was approached by someone who was definitely on to something. They showed him how he could build an income for his family that would change their lives forever. So he set out to change his future. He worked hard and long hours to start, but it was all worth it once the plan started to fall together and slowly, the money started to trickle through. Sam was becoming a great leader and his wife and family had also stepped up to support him.
On day Sam got some terrible news. His wife was diagnosed with a tumor in the brain. It was inoperable and she is given only a few months to live. Everything is put on hold as the family prepared for the worst. Soon after they were hit with yet another blow. Sam’s lung cancer was back. He had fought it before but this time it had spread throughout most of his body. The doctors had run out of options. But Sam and his wife refused to give up on their family, their children. They made it their duty to set to work and build a legacy their children could takeover once they were gone. They both worked harder than ever. When they were in the hospitals they never missed a training meeting. They had it video taped and watched it in the hospital. People were so inspired by his positive outlook and many joined him in his business. Sam’s team of dedicated followers grew exponentially as more and more people came on board. A short time later, Sam’s team had reached a turning point, it had grown so large that it was self sustainable. Many people had stepped up as leaders and were experiencing great success themselves. Sam no longer had to work long hours. He had enough residual income from his business that he could finally sit back and enjoy the lifestyle he had worked so hard for.
About 6 months later, Sam and his wife passed away, leaving their children a great legacy and financially free. There were more than 1,500 people at their funerals. Many gave speeches about how Sam had helped them change their future by showing them how to be successful. In a very short time, Sam had touched the lives of so many people. His reason why was so strong that nothing could possibly stand in his path to becoming successful and helping his family and on his journey he was able to help so many other people.
Sam’s story shows us that we cannot make excuses for our future. If you think you don’t have time to do MLM , think how little time Sam had. If you think you can’t afford the starting fees then decide if you can afford to work until you’re 65. If you will not do it for yourself than who else can you help by sharing the opportunity with them. If your reason why is not strong enough to make you take action now, think of the people like Sam that are screaming out for that opportunity. If not for that one person who shared his business opportunity with Sam, this story would only be tragic and not inspiring. Don’t deny others the success they deserve by keeping your opportunity to yourself because you’re too lazy to act. Get out there and change someone’s future. It might be your own.