Killer insurance selling phrases persuade the emotions within your lead prospect into emotionally wanting your product. This results into converting leads and closing more sales instantly. 37 key lead-in selling phrases using killer sales words to attract and lure insurance buyers are provided here. Instantly closing more sales is ammunition to stop competition in their tracks.
Researching key insurance selling phrases shows that sales people do not grasp how significant emotions and impulses are in the sales process. After obtaining a quality lead prospect, you must first find your prospective customer’s key emotion. Then you pound it home with killer sales words and phrases that nail down the urge in the prospective insurance customer to buy now. This combination separates true sales people from mere order takers. The biggest gamble you take is not trying to generate more sales.
Feel free to start injecting killer sales generating phrases to make a blockbuster sales presentation. Experience how adding certain phrases break down the barriers. In fact, the blueprint for success is to stop normal insurance selling and use insurance sales generating phrases like a ten-ton magnet. Start pulling customers in with a supercharged desire to buy from you.
Experienced insurance career people have the knack of adjusting sales messages. By keying in on lead-in phrases, a prospect keeps leaning closer and closer to the actual sale. All the while, the prospect is kept off guard by phrases and statements the average insurance sales person would not even consider. The skilled sales pro already knows how the prospect will react and respond. With this skill utilized, the insurance sales person is avoiding almost every objection from arising.
Start with frequently using and sharpening up effective word phrases and statements that captivate insurance buyers. As a result, closing more sales instantly becomes routine.
1. I was not going to mention this, but
2. My competition will be mad about this, but I am going to tell you this unique benefit
3. I am going to show you a basic plan and a deluxe one. When I am done, you decide which one suits you best. Does that sound fair?
4. How am I doing so far?
5. Not every ___ policy is created equal; this one exceeds what most of my customers expect
6. Maybe you can not afford it
7. As the best in the industry, you can own the finest ______ coverage. You do want the most complete coverage, don’t you?
8. With this plan you need to be knowledgeable to benefit
9. All the obstacles are eliminated
10. There is no substitute for _____.
11. Instant extra cash in your pocket is of course a benefit you will receive.
12. This is somewhat embarrassing, but I too thought ______ until
13. Some people just cannot understand
14. It seems you are the type of person who ____
15. Have you been a victim of ______ like so many of my customers have?
16. I am hoping that you fall into this category. Am I right?
17. This protection combines the most outstanding features.
18. Is it okay if I explain this simply and clearly, as I always want my customers to understand what they are receiving?
19. You will find more to like than ever before.
20. I will not pull punches, but I will be honest to expose both the benefits and limitations of your coverage. Is this the way you want me to proceed?
21. Is it all right, if I start by separating fact from fiction about ____ insurance?
22. This is the best deal in town and it still fits your budget.
23. Only __ out of __ people fit our requirements
24. The low cost alternative
25. Lock in your offer now, do you want to make quarterly payments or save on paying annually?
26. Every member of the family will be delighted
27. My professional expertise is in working with people on ____ insurance, and then letting them decide what is best. Does that sound okay to you?
28. This is not just another ______
29. A lifetime of satisfaction
30. Invest in yourself and your future
31. You will feel confident if you need to make a claim.
32. No compromising on quality
33. This is not a misprint
34. A completely new perspective
35. Most of my customers seem to prefer _____. Let me show you, and see if you agree, okay?
36. You will feel as good as you look
37. ____ is about to be turned upside down
Do want to rise up your present sales status to that of a true professional? Provoking expected reactions from your lead prospects ends with more sales presentations closed. Therefore, what you say must not resemble messages other salespeople use. Change prospects from being on the alert to being receptive and wanting to hear more. Testing and adapting some of the selling phrases listed above might be all that it takes for closing more sales.